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Make Your Own Summer Bucket List
Clothespin- Glitter Clothespin Tutorial HERE
I have four kids ages 2-11 so I wanted to make my bucket in a way that they would all be able to know what the activities on our bucket are so I used my Cricut machine to also add fun shapes.
1. With your Cricut Machine, cut out coordinating shapes for each activity. Glue die cut onto clothes pin. This step is optional.
2. On the back of your Clothespin (or front if you skipped step one) Write the name of the activity with a sharpie.
3. With your Cricut Machine, Cut out "Summer Bucket List" on Vinyl. You could also use a name if you are making one for each kid. Ex. "Lily's Summer Bucket List".
4. Apply Vinyl to Bucket
5. Clip Clothespin along the top of your bucket.
6. When you have completed an activity, unclip from the top of bucket and put inside of bucket.
7. Have the coolest summer ever!
Here are 50 activities that you could add to your Bucket List
1. Do Service
2. Play at the Park
3. Go Hiking
4. Read a book
5. Go on a train ride
6. Wash Your Car
7. Ride a horse
8. Plant a Garden
9. Hunt for Bugs
10. Go Fishing
11. Go Camping
12. Go to an Outdoor Concert
13. Play Miniature Golf
14. Fly a Kite
15. Write a Story
16. Put on a Play
17. Make S'mores
18. Run in a Race
19. Have an Ice Cream Party
20. Go to the Zoo
21. Go GeoCaching
22. Play a family Baseball Game
23. Host a BBQ
24. Go Swimming
25. Go on a Scenic Drive
26. Have a water Balloon Fight
27. Go to a Museum
28. Go to the Library
29. Feed the Ducks
30. Go on a Picnic
31. Go to the Farmers Market
32. Go on a Walk
33. Have a paper airplane flying contest
34. Ride a bike
35. Draw with Sidewalk Chalk
36. Have a Lemonaid Stand
37. Go Star Gazing
38. Go Bowling
39. Ride on a Boat
40. Bake Cookies
41. Watch the Sunset
42. Go Bird Watching
44. Paint a Picture
45. Make a Fort
46. Make a Puzzle
47. Have family Game Night
48. Tour the Fire Department
49. Walk your Dog
50. Go on a Roadtrip
We love comments!
What items are on your Summer Bucket List?
Hi, my name is Melissa! I live in Spanish Fork, Utah. I'm happily married to Rob, and together we have five wonderful kids. Our family loves to embark on adventures, often in our RV, exploring the great outdoors. I'm an avid reader and a big fan of Hallmark movies – they always have a way of lifting my spirits. Hiking is another passion of mine; there's nothing like the tranquility of nature. I have a sweet tooth for chocolate and a love for Mexican food, both of which make life a little more delicious. In my downtime, I enjoy playing games with my family, creating memories and sharing laughter. Life is an adventure, and I'm here to enjoy every moment of it! I'm the blogger and creative mind behind the blog A Sparkle of Genius! Check out our posts on recipes, crafts, kid stuff, printables, travel and more!