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33 Creative DIY Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

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These 33 Creative DIY Easter Egg Decorating Ideas will help you to take your eggs to the next level.A bunch of different colored eggs

There are so many fun easter egg decorating ideas that I'm sure we could come up with a mile long list. 

I remember when I was young, everyone decorated with food coloring and now people are using shaving cream for easter eggs, silk ties, bubble wrap, fabric, sharpies and more. 

If you are Decorating Easter Eggs but want to do more than the traditional colors, you'll love these creative egg decorating ideas.

They are perfect for an easter egg hunt or for an Easter Egg Decorating competition. (you'll probably love our easter slime and easter carrot decor-- check them out, too!)

An egg on a plate, with Boiled egg and Deviled eggPERFECT HARD BOILED EGGS EVERYTIME!!

I don't know about you, but when hard boiling egg time comes around, it can be overwhelming. We have an Easter egg Hunt every easter with 11 kids. They get to dye their own eggs for the Hunt, which often means we need to cook about 100 eggs.

I have found that cooking my hard boiled eggs in the Instant Pot is the easiest way to go because it is really easy, really fast and they turn out perfect every time. There are so many great Instant Pot accessories that help you to cook a lot of eggs at one time.

Creative DIY Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

33 Creative DIY Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

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A bunch of different colored eggs

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