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Summer Gardening- Its not too late. What can I plant now?

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A graphic with text stating "Summer Gardening July/August! What can I plant now? It's not too late!!" against a purple background, featuring illustrations of flowers in jars.

Did you know that it is not too late to plant a garden? I love gardening and their are many times of year that I do not get my garden planted by spring. Where not all items with grow and give you harvest, there are still come plants in July and August that will give you harvest THIS YEAR! Here is a list of items that you can still plant this year:

Summer Gardening- Its not too late. What can I plant now?

A colorful infographic listing vegetables to plant before and after July 15th for Summer Gardening.


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Assorted colorful gourds with a text overlay reading "Summer Gardening tips for planting a healthy succulent garden.

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