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5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires

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Here are 5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires.Welcome sign for the "5 Reasons You Should Buy Winter Tires" driving experience event, powered by Bridgestone Blizzak at the Pepsi Center.The moment we have our first snowfall, I become a hermit inside my home. I drive only when it is absolutely necessary. This isn't because I don't like the cold, or don't that I don't think that snow looks beautiful, because it really is. The reason I stay home is because I am scared of driving at winter. I have an SUV with All Weather Tires and it doesn't matter what I do, I slip and slide and I just plain hate driving in the snow. It really is scary. When Bridgestone and invited me to Colorado to try out their winter tires, I didn't hesitate in saying yes because I really wanted to find out if their was a solution to scary winter driving. So imagine my surprise when I found out that All Weather Tires AREN'T the best choice for Winter. Yep, all weather CAN be used in all weathers but they aren't the best choice.

Large scoreboard display inside an arena showing an advertisement for the "5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires from Tire Rack Winter Driving Experience" powered by Bridgestone Blizzak.

Naturally, if you wanted to really be able to test out Winter Tires you want to find the iciest place possible. Now what is icier than the Pepsi Center Ice Rink? Yep, you heard me right, we had the chance to try out Blizzak tires on Pepsi Center Ice and compare them to Bridgestone All Weather tires. Here I am on Pepsi Center Ice:

A collage of two images: one depicts a woman taking a selfie with an empty sports arena in the background, and the other shows a top-down view of a person's feet in patterned shoes standing

I was sold on winter tires before I even got on the ice and being on the ice, I was sold even more. Before we walked on the ice I had the opportunity to watch the cars driving on ice from above. That was all I needed and I knew that I HAD to have Blizzak Winter tires. This video shows you exactly why I was sold on these tires before even driving with them and why I came up with 5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires.

Let me tell you what you are seeing in this video. Red Car: Blizzak Tires. Silver Car: All Season Tires. Every single time they accelerated and took that turned, the Blizzak tires could make the turn smoothly and the All Season Tires slid. Still think your All Season tires are good enough? Here are the 5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires that I learned from my time in Colorado:

Promotional poster highlighting 5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires against a snowflake-themed background.

5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires

1. Cost. I know you are probably thinking, this is crazy, if I buy winter tires it costs me MORE, but technically, in the long run, this is not true. Bridgestone Blizzak Tires cost about the same as regular tires and by switching out your tires for the winter season, both sets of tires last longer so your tires last twice as long.

A red sedan on an ice rink promoting the "5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires for the Tire Rack Winter Driving Experience" sponsored by Bridgestone.

2. Protection. When you decide to go venture out in the snow, do you put on a pair of tennis shoes? Shoes that really could be "fine" in all weathers but really not the best choice. Not me, I wear the warmest most comfortable pair of boots that I can find, because really, boots are made for the winter. It is the same with cars. Winter Tires are like putting winter boots on your car. Just like you would protect your feet, you need to protect your tires.

3. Safety. I have four beautiful kids that I love very much. Their safety is so important to me. If I am not feeling confident behind the wheel because my car is sliding around on the ice, I do not want the kids in the car with me. They are worth my getting the best tires possible so they can be safe and protected behind the wheel. We can't control everything behind the wheel, but I want to make sure I am taking the important safety steps that I CAN control and tires are one of those things.

Split image showing a gecko on a leaf to the left and a polar bear on a rocky outcrop to the right, highlighting 5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires.

4. Research-  Bridgestone did an extensive amount of research in perfecting the tire design. Did you know that they studied both geckos and Polar Bears in their studies? While we were in Colorado we had the opportunity to visit the Denver Zoo and learn about what geckos and Polar Bears have in common with tires and what can nature teach us about technology? A lot. Biomimicry is the word used to describe the examination of nature and its systems and process in order to copy them in solving human problems. In English- we can learn from nature! Geckos have millions of microscopic hairs and hundreds of tiny pads at their feet allowing them to have astonishing grip. This was used for inspiration for zig-zag or microsiping on the tires. They also studied how polar bears stand, walk, and run on ice to help in their design of tire treads. Pretty cool, huh!

5. Because they WORK! We were able to test the Blizzak Winter Tires in two different ways. First, we drove All weather tires and Blizzak Tires on Pepsi Center ice. Secondly, we had bike races with the coolest ever Bridgestone tire bikes. Seriously, I want to own one of these myself. Imagine being able to ride bikes all winter long!

A collage of images related to a Bridgestone winter driving event, featuring an ice rink, a driving experience, promotional signage highlighting "5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires," a schedule,

Okay, this was an eye opening experience. We had the opportunity to drive on the ice in both the car with Blizzak Tires and the Car with All Weather tires. We were told to press down the gas as hard as we could so we could truly test the tires. Crazy, right? Well what happened was not expected. We basically did a "drag race" with the car of the opposite tires. The Blizzak tires won EVERY TIME? Why, because they were able to grip the ice, make traction and drive on the ice. The All Weather tires on the other hand didn't even move for a few seconds. Even with the gas petal pushed to the ground. Finally, they would make traction and slowly start moving, but really slow. I definitely want a pair of tires that can grip to the ice and give me a smooth, safe ride.

A collage of images featuring a close-up of a sporty wheel with "5 reasons you should buy Winter Tires", a person riding a large three-wheeled bicycle on an ice rink,

Our second test was racing on these super awesome Bridgestone Tire Trikes. The Orange bikes have Blizzak tires and the silver bikes have all weather tires. I was able to tell the difference between the tires the most with this test because you are having to use your own strength to make the tires move. The All Weather tires was really slow and hard to get moving, whereas the Blizzak tires was smooth like you were riding a bike. Which is pretty amazing, because we were on ICE!!! Here is a video that show a race between the different kinds of tires:

I don't know about you, but this is very exciting to me. I feel like I get to actually look forward to winter because I don't have to be scared to drive. I talked to my husband all about Blizzak Winter tires and we are going out this weekend to get a set of these tires put on our car. We are due for our first snowfall this weekend, so I will be ready and prepared so that I can take my kids to play in the snow, stress free.

Thank you Bridgestone and for this amazing experience.

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