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I Chews You Valentine Craft

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This Valentine's Day, I Chews You Valentine.

gumboil machine and hearts

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I Chews You Valentine

A bunch of items that are sitting on a tableMaterials:
● Clear plastic ornaments
● Plastic drink bottle caps
Mini red plastic Solo cups
Mini gumballs
● Scissors
● Ribbon
● Black paint
● Paintbrush
● Glue gun
“I Chews You” Valentine printable

A close up of a bottle1. Begin by painting the outside of plastic bottle caps with black paint. We prefer chalk paint since it dries quickly, but you can use anything you have on hand.
2. Remove the metal hanger top from the plastic ornament.
Paint and Plastic3. Fill the plastic ornament with mini gumballs.
Paint and Plastic4. Use a hot glue gun to attach the bottom of the filled ornament to a mini red Solo cup that has been turned upside down.
Plastic and Ornament5. Attach the black painted bottle cap to the top of the filled ornament with hot glue.
6. Cut out the “I chews you” printed Valentines.
Plastic and VALENTINES7. Punch a hole in each Valentine and tie it around the lid of the mini gumball machine with ribbon of your choosing.

I chews you Valentines Day printable Text, letter

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