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This weekend I had the amazing opportunity to go to Los Angeles for the Disney's THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS event. I went with 24 other bloggers where we interviewed cast from the movie and attended the red carpet premiere. You can read about our entire Nutcracker itinerary here. Having the opportunity to walk a red carpet for a Disney movie premiere is always very fast paced and exciting. One of my favorite parts is getting all dressed up, because as a mom of five, I am often found with no makeup and my hair pulled back. It is fun to see the dresses that everyone picked and how beautiful they all looked. It really is such a fun night. 
A group of people sitting in a car posing for the camera
We had about 1 1/2 to get ready for the red carpet. And then we went in a shuttle to the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel where we had the opportunity to interview Mackenzie Foy and Misty Copeland. I will share those interviews with you later because they were very good. We then walked across the street as a group to the Ray Dolby Ballroom where the THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMSpre party was. This of course was the perfect time for getting group photos. Doesn't everyone look so pretty!
Deborah Cruz, TerriAnn van Gosliga, Silvia Martinez posing for the cameraA group of people posing for the camera
A group of people posing for the camera
Coralie from Lovebugs and Postcards was my photo buddy. It is important to have a photo buddy on the red carpet because it is often very fast paced. The security like to rush you down the carpet so with a photo buddy you are able to quickly get the photos that you need and take their photos. You definitely want to get the perfect red carpet photo so you can remember the night and capture your red carpet dress in front of the back drop. There were multiple back drop opportunities that we could use to document the night. 
A Woman standing in front of a backdrop A woman standing in front of a storeA person standing in front of a red carpet wallRed and CarpetThe party room is always decorated for the movie and filled with activities, photo opportunities, food and displays. I always love being able to see the costumes from the movie close up. It really is incredible the amount of detail that goes into each. We were able to see costumes from the Nutcracker, Clara, Mother Ginger and the Sugar Plum fairy. 
A bunch of food on a grill, with Premiere and The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
The food is always amazing at the red carpet premieres. I am always so hungry by the time I get to the food that I am no problem trying one of everything! My favorites at this premiere were the mac and cheese and mini chicken pot pies. Not pictured were the delicious gingerbread whoopie pies! 
A couple of people posing for a photo
Some of the activities at the THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS premiere party including a candy station, making a Ziplock snow globe, getting your nails painted by O.P.I and getting your hair done in fun Nutcracker inspired hairs styles. Coralie and I got our nails and hair done. Debra at Finding Debra captured this great shot of us getting our nails done. My nails were a very sparkly gold and my hair was kind of wild with color spray, glitter and a large snowflake. Go big or go home, right? 🙂
A person sitting at a table A group of people sitting on a stage
Often at a red carpet premier you have the opportunity to spot celebrities. We were able to see many of the cast from the movie at the pre party and I also had the opportunity to get my picture taking with Mario Lopez. He was so kind!
A person standing in front of Mario Lopez et al. posing for the camera
After the party, we walked to the El Capitan theater for the Premiere Screening of THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS. I love the El Capitan theater. It is absolutely beautiful on the inside. It is always so fun to watch the movie with the cast and crew because they cheer for each other when the come on screen. The movie is a lot of fun and I will be sharing my review with you tomorrow. THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS is in theaters TOMORROW and a great family friendly movie to get the holiday season started.
A sign lit up at night

THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS opens in theatres everywhere on November 2nd!

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