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Chocolate Sprinkles Popcorn

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Assorted chocolate-coated popcorn with colorful sprinkles served in paper liners for Family Movie Night with Pop Secret.It is always popcorn time! Whether you just wanted a snack, you are having a party, or you are having Pizza movie night! Popcorn makes any event that much more fun. There are so many fun ways to eat popcorn. You can have it plain, cheesy, kennel corn, salted and so many more varieties. You might also like Cookies and Cream Popcorn. I have come to decide that my favorite way to eat popcorn is covered in chocolate because-- hey-- its chocolate! 🙂  Chocolate Sprinkles Popcorn perfect for a birthday party because the rainbow sprinkles make it festive and fun! This recipe is so easy to make but so much fun to eat. Enjoy!

Chocolate Sprinkles Popcorn

What you need
3 bags popped Pop Secret Popcorn
1 bag chocolate chips
rainbow sprinkles

Pop three bags of Pop Secret Popcorn and put in a large bowl. Then melt chocolate chips in microwave. I add them to a bowl and cook on half power for 30 seconds. I repeat this over and over again until completely melted. Normally takes about 2 minutes. Careful, bowl will be hot! Pour melted chocolate over popcorn and stir until completely covered. Add sprinkles and continue to stir. Refrigerate popcorn until chocolate hardens.


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