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Only Love Today Free Printable

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This Only Love Today Free Printable is a great reminder of where our heart should be everyday. Love matters.

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We have all had that moment. When we decided to love with all our heart, and it was amazing. For me, I had this moment with my daughter last night. I put my phone away. I turned off all distractions and we talked and laughed and the moment was beautiful. I'm grateful for those moments.

The longer that I am a mom-- the more that I realize how hard parenting is. How hard it is, and how easy it is to be hard on myself. I am sure that more negative thoughts about myself go through my head in a day then positive thoughts. That isn't how I want it to be. Imagine if we really focused on how we could only love today. Would our words change? Would our thoughts change? Would it change the love we show to those around us? Only love today. I really think it would.

I was on Facebook this morning and I came across a live video on the Hands Free Revolution facebook page where she talked about these negative thoughts and how she decided to make tally marks on a post it note each time she did something good. Whether is was a positive thought, a good deed, or helping another. She was able to SEE all the times she chose positivity rather than negativity and it helped her recognize that she was doing a great job. How awesome is that. Sometimes it is important to take that step back so you can see the big picture. I have followed her page for awhile now because it is a great reminder of how we can connect and be happier. If you aren't following her Hands Free Revolution facebook page go do it now and then read her post how to soften your sharp edges with just three simple words where she does a beautiful job sharing how important our words are. I printed up this Only Love Today Free Printable as a reminder to add as many positive tally marks to my post it note as I can every day.

A close up of a heart

Books I recommend:
Inspirational book cover titled "only love today" featuring colorful lettering and motivational phrases by rachel macy stafford.Book cover featuring the title "hands free life: 9 habits for overcoming distraction, living better, & loving more" by rachel macy stafford.Book cover titled "hands free mama" by rachel macy stafford, focusing on prioritizing connection with children over distractions.

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